~ We are a loving community of spiritual explorers
who stand on the side of love and justice ~
Our regular Sunday services start at 11am on zoom or in person at the Lochiel Kiwanis Centre.
You are welcome here if you are looking for:
A non-judgmental community that practices respect for diverse spiritual paths, valuing the insights of science as much as ancient wisdom, reason and compassion.
A place for you to freely share your questions, doubts and dreams for a better world: to challenge, to change, to be inspired!
A place for you to meet others who care deeply about our world and about each other.
A place where your children can be themselves and learn to exercise their natural creativity and inquisitiveness (“religious exploration”!) — in a safe, supportive and friendly environment.
This means that we may have quite different beliefs from one another but we share a quest for spiritual growth.
Come join us on this magnificent adventure!
Who Are We?

Our Vision
As a spiritual community, we embrace diversity, we explore openly, we stand on the side of love and justice.

Our Covenant
We promise to provide a loving community that nurtures self-discovery and spiritual growth in a joyful atmosphere of caring, acceptance and friendship.

Hybrid services
Our Sunday services are offered both in-person as well as on online from September to June.
If you would like to join us, please use the Zoom link above or use the contact form or email us at unitariansarniaporthuron@gmail.com.

about our fellowship
Our bi-national, layperson-led Fellowship dates back to 1956.
Over the years we have met in various locations in Port Huron and Sarnia. We now gather at the Lochiel Kiwanis Centre (180 College Ave North) in Sarnia for Sunday services.
A number of Unitarian Universalist ministers visit us each year.

welcoming congregation
We know that religious spaces haven’t always been welcoming places for all people, especially when it comes to gender and sexuality. We are continually striving to change that.
Since 1989, the Unitarian Universalist Association, as well as our Fellowship, has worked hard to make sure lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, two-spirit, and others are full members of our faith communities. Being welcoming means striving for radical inclusion and creating spaces that honour every part of our identities, backgrounds, and experiences.

green sanctuary
Our Fellowship demonstrates our commitment to environmental justice by aligning our values with our actions and becoming a certified Green Sanctuary. Our Fellowship was recognized as a Green Sanctuary and presented with a Certificate at the Canadian Unitarian Council’s General Assembly in Quebec City in June of 2002. At that time, our Fellowship was delighted to be the only one in Canada to have attained this certification.
This has empowered us to live out our commitment through spiritual connection, education, sustainable living, and social justice.

Land Acknowledgement
With respect, we honour the long history of the many First Nations people on this land and we acknowledge that we are gathered on the traditional territories of the Anishinaabe Peoples, including the Ojibwe, Potawatomi and Odawa.
May we commit to work together in solidarity towards reconciliation, truth and understanding as we strive to fulfill our responsibilities and obligations to care for our home, Mother Earth, and all her beings.